Hello Summer!
Hello Summer. Here it is June 1st and school is almost over, which means I will be done driving school bus for the summer. It also means I am heading back to flying full time with my first trip back being Lima, Peru. Summer will be it's usual hectic pace with Farmer's Markets, Flea Markets and Festivals. I will once again be at the Wayzata and Minnetonka Farmer's markets as well as the Minneapolis Farmer's Market. Minnetonka is on Tuesdays and Wayzata and Minneapolis will share Thursdays. Festivals include Back to the Fifties in June, Hopkins Raspberry Festival in July and Hanover Days in August.. Saturdays will also include the Excelsior Flea Market. I am currently busy finishing aprons, so look for new choices coming soon. Don't forget that Dad can use an apron too.
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